Installing Plugin

Installing Plugin

This step is necessary for a reliable sync without issues

1. Download the plugin from the API-Downloads tab in the Account page on 

2. Get the API key from the API Keys tab (one tab above in menu) and copy it. The Product ID is also mentioned on the same tab. You will need this to activate the license key for updates.

Map all Products & Customers

Make sure to map all products with Exact or import them if your products are still in Exact but not in WooCommerce.

Do you also have registered customers in your store? Please map those as well:

Enable/Disable Realtime Product Sync & Stock changes

Do you wish to sync Item changes and new items created in Exact also to WooCommerce? We've got you covered. Simply enable the webhooks fit for your business case:

  1. StockPosition Webhook = any stock change of an Item in Exact Online will get pushed to WooCommerce
  2. Item Webhook = any product change in Exact Online will get pushed to WooCommerce. New items will get created as "Draft" items in WooCommerce.

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