Reset Sync
When to do this: When you made a major mistake in the sync setup process When you want to connect to another Zoho Organisation Steps to start over when mistake is made in Categories: Remove all the product categories Go to our plugin settings > Cron ...
4. Connect with Zoho Inventory
Now we get to the fun part; connecting your woo store to your Zoho Inventory account. Please read this completely before you start connecting. Getting Client ID and Client Secret Obtaining the Client-ID and Client-Secret: click on "Access Zoho ...
3. WooCommerce Account Settings
Please ensure your WooCommerce account settings are setup at least as following to ensure the customers and orders are synced to Zoho: Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout Allow customers to create an account during ...
2. Zoho General Preferences
To sync all product data properly, you need to ensure that Zoho understands your WooCommerce Tax configuration. Its important that you have a standard tax rate, if you are not using tax, then ensure the standard rate is 0%. Make sure your Zoho ...
1. Getting Started
Thank you for choosing the CommerceBird plugin. This guideline will ensure you can setup a real-time integration between your Zoho Inventory account and your WooCommerce store. Prerequisites: WordPress 6.2 or higher WooCommerce 8.0 or higher PHP 7.4 ...